….In a Blue Ocean
Abubakar Sulaiman
In their first pulse of enthusiasm groups of
students of different sexes were moving fro and to different directions
carrying some documents, reporting from one office to another to complete their
college registration.
Ahmad, a since-primary-school friend of mine that we
shared rise and fall of life was sitting beside me at the veranda of Students’
Affairs Unit of the school, waiting patiently for the long queue to crawl so
that we could join the vacant space.
As newly as we were, some students have already
broken the fortress of strangeness and unfamiliarity. They began acquainting
themselves with others, both males and females. Everywhere in the college was
at peace and loveliness. A group of students chatting heartily and bantering
animatedly. Cool. On almost every seat
provided on the premises of the campus for sitting to while away the time
between lecture intervals, were seated friends, a combination of sexes, lost
and carried away by their gleeful exchange of talks. Some began to buy the
feeling of others as they intimated so closely with one buddy among the rest of
the pals.
Male students started dating their female partners.
Usually sitting on the cemented seat built in front of the lecture halls, the
suitors would aside themselves to a private location to have the feeling of
their affectionate. It makes an interesting view seeing such a scene where
suitors are making love banter so intimately like pigeon as if they swallow
each other out of admiration. Oh God!
I only waved at my friends and coursemates in
company of their loved ones while passing them by on my way to the library or
attending a lecture. Though I had none yet, but not because I did not fancy interest
in the ladies or the students’ style of love showing. I have just waited to find not only love
friend but also a soulmate who could read my feelings even before I write them.
And besides, I only loved a girl beautiful not only in face but also in brain.
For who would not love to live with brilliant people?
One morning, the night before was so handsome a one.
The sky was glistering with dotting stars, decorating the indigo but
smudgedly-pale space with blinking glimmer.
The whole sky was dancing in a shimmering shine. Like the usual, I woke
up early because of the school rigid and strict adherent timing, took bath and
breakfasted. I then went to take my bag and hung it leisurely around my
shoulder and left for the school after bidding “good morning” greeting to my
parent. The “good morning” greeting is a way that students follow – heralding
their way before collecting school allowance from their parents.
The weather was chilly but quite charming. The cloud
blotted out the sun and the sky deep beautiful blue. The morning air was blowing,
whispering a pleasant tune as it swished past across my ears. The swift moving
and tender song of the air wafted across my face carrying the beautiful smell
of drenched rainy season soil in to my nose, then lashing my cheeks before
cascading through the entirety of my body to make my hair and shirt billowing.
I sniffed, gasping to inhale the serenity of the atmosphere before releasing a
deep breath of satisfaction.
A political science lecturer, Dr. Sa’id Kaduwa was
to be in the class at exactly 8:00 am. The class was dried for quite a number
of students weren’t in attendance. Perhaps they were still in bed enjoying the
clementness of the weather. I sat at one corner of the class, one- thousand
seater hall, to the side of a window from the right side direction. It was my
favourite location because of good ventilation, and to be among the first ones
catching the incoming fresh air. The class was always overcrowded as the course
has many students from other schools of art, social and management sciences doing
the course as their subsidiary subject.
“Please may you lend me your pen?” In a mellifluous
voice, a girl next to me asked as an overture to establish the beginning of our
personal relation. Though I knew her previously through the contact of a friend
whom she first saw me with, but we did not hold any personal talk then. Without saying a word, I gave her the pen in
my hand and rummaged through my bag to pick another one.
“Huh,” I sighed a heavy
relief after I came out from the lecture. Came the day I have longed to
witness! I have been seeing her around but did not find a chance of speaking to
her. To reserve their dignity, men of veneration always have the fear of
talking to ladies whom they deem will on the first reaction show their side of
incivility by refusing to even listen to what the men have come for or with. As
ladies of nowadays think it, (dubiously and ignorantly), wise to make things
difficult for men. But for this girl she was obviously not the type to make
things difficult for me. Fatima was such a
girl that I could do business with.
From then on, we continued to meet at library and in
lecture halls. We began to know and accept each other as we respected our
feelings. Within short while I learnt that Fatima
was such a bookish and reading-type student. I procured books for her and she,
for me with additional reading materials of magazines. Quickly we understood
that we shared many things in common. She was aspiring journalist, like me,
humanitarian and considerate.
Our relationship intensified as the whole school
identified her with me as we always featured around the school together. I
accompanied her to her lectures which I was not a student of. On going to
lectures, I would pluck a leaf of flower and put it on a chair to book a seat for
Fatima. Or while seeing me holding a flower
she would rush to me to collect the flower as a way of receiving my love.
During the closing hour she would present a gift of Lollipop candy to me as a
memento ta take with me.
I garnered solace of mind when Fatima
told me that she had mastered the recitation of the Holy Qur’an by heart at the
age of fifteen and learnt other Islamic jurisprudence, Hadith, Fiqh, Sira
e.t.c. With this new discovery, Fatima made me
to lay my hand on the religious books I didn’t even bother to read previously.
This is the lady hat I have been yearning all my life to meet for she would
prove a good mother to my children. Fatima was
a girl of religiosity, moral character and a descendent of decent and respectable
Fatima was a lady of charming beauty, with her
rotund but slightly-long face, her flabby cheeks, adorable aquiline nose kamar tsinin biro as Hausa people would
say…… hospitable, accommodating, amiable, tender, arable, meek, friendly, soft
and lovely. Fatima was really beautiful,
scintillating, slim and adorable. Her face was so captivating and worth looking
at. Trying to describe her this way…, ‘beautiful, tall, civilized, amiable’ and
so forth, with all epithets – was a ludicrous and waste of time. Because Fatima was a member of all family of positivity and
goodness. A lady in the possession of all rectitude of manner and character,
elegant and majestic in person and in thought.
I grew smitten and impressed by her to the point
that I could smell her presence by tracking the alluring scent of her perfume
that made her distinguishable from other students. In the class I didn’t need
to ask whether Fatima was around for the
drifting scent of her spray buffing into my nostril would tell me the answer.
As our days in school drew nearer and nearer to the
end, I started making preparation to know her whereabouts so that I could
maintain contact with her. We were so intimate that we found it painful to
spend a weekend without seeing each other. She gave me her facebook username,
Fatima Ahmad Haske. Haske the metonymy of her appearance. Fatima
wasn’t a ‘swagger’ girl but she dressed comely stunningly with fascinating
I was fantasizing how beautiful couple we would make
Fatima and I parenting a family. But unknown to me, fate has already taken its
toll for Fatima was already bespoken by one of
her male relatives. She told me their parents had arranged the relation with
him since she was an infant in rag.
“Are we going to discuss our cannibal arrangement?”
Said she in a jocular tone as I approached her gloomily and sad.
“Ok we can go ahead.” I commented.
“Somebody has already asked for my marriage. His
name Hassan. He is my relative.”
“And you love him?,” I said bitterly.
She groaned inwardly silently before responding to
my question. “You know it was my parent who did it and I cannot help but
complying with their choice.”
“Are they the ones to live in the marriage?” I asked
rhetorically. “When…,” I continued, “When the nuptial affair would be
solemnized?” I asked razing with volcanic rage from beneath. All effort to
suppress my anger and frustration failed. I could not control the stream of
tears rolling down my cheeks.
In a shaky voice I managed, “Fa...Fat…,” stammered.
“Fatima you know you are bespoken and you let me inveigled into your
affection.” My voice faltered again. “Fatima you know I love you with all my
heart….Oh God Fatima….” I cried in a long
sympathetic and mewling tone with an ocean of water cascading down my face.
Fatima could not help but took to
my course. Crying. “You know I really, really love you”, she paused, sobbing,
with stream of tears also tearing her face. “I love you in no measure but I
could not help this matter.”
“But why then you did not tell me since before
reaching this point. Why then you let the affair run this way?”
“I could not but love you the first time I met you.
I’m human being and I cannot repress my feeling. Believe me you are the one and
only person I love and continue to love right from my heart till the end of my
life. It pains me really, and it hurts fiercely parting with you.” She welled
as the agony burned blazingly and searingly in her heart. I pitied her and moved
closer. She removed a sheet of tissue paper from her bag and wiped the tears
off my face. In reciprocal gesture, I extracted another sheet from the roll
inside her bag and did the same to her.
As we were sitting there evening was closing in. The
school fell hushed and dried. I motioned her to stand up to go for home. When
she rose, I was already standing over her. I opened up my arms stretched out. Fatima fell in. A hot and cozy was the contact. I closed,
rounding her back as we intertwined into each other’s warming embrace. I felt
her breath soaking into my body, melting into every vessel carrying blood
Till the time we parted I never heard of her news
again. Yet I didn’t know her residence address. Kurna, Rijyar Zaki, Hotoro, oh…
no… Sharada, Gwammaja, Yakasai…I didn’t know where to place her. Inside Kano metro I could not
know where to find her for it was such a megalopolis city. How I wished our
society would democratize marriage so that suitors would compete to come up
with a winning husband. Were I to be consulted my choice I would have chosen
the only Fatima to be my wife in place of all
ladies of paradise. With Fatima, I pray for
our reunion even in paradise. I will also continue to pray may Allah let me see
the day I will take the damsel Fatima into my harem. Fatima
is a needle in a blue ocean that only the lucky one could find, and I pray to
be the one.
In memory of our relation, to placate my sorrows
whenever I felt the fire of her love burning, I took the plastic fan she has given me during
our school days in exchange of a book I have given her. It made me smile all the time to remember
our last parting words.
“I love you,” she said boarding into Adai-daita Sahu
tricycle maintaining a long loving wave.
“I love you, too,” I replied back the three magical
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