
Saturday 12 October 2013


Abubakar Sulaiman Muhd

Once upon a time, there was a rich wealthy man. He had flashy cars and big houses in all around the affluent areas of the town where he lived. He travelled far and wide of the world for sightseeing and killing the pleasurable wanderlust. Nothing seemed to be difficult to him, he lived comfortably off.
          His son Uche was highly arrogant and spoiled. His father pampered him. He didn’t want anything that would disturb him. He didn’t force his son to go to school. He didn’t even teach him how to respect people. His father all the time gave him money, when Uche didn’t get them enough in his pocket.
          At night he went clubbing with his friends, drinking and smoking and scavenging in all sorts of extravagant waste of resources. Whenever his mother Kande, talked to her husband about the behaviour of the child, he scolded her and warned her that she should let the boy to enjoy his life for “is it not his father’s wealth. Let him enjoy it. Don’t you see that he is in his youthful age?” Because of this, she became so worried and indisposed and later she got ill; at long last she died of sadness and apprehension of both the spoiled child and her husband.
          Later years, after the demise of Uche’s mother, his father got bankrupt as a result of the misfortune of storm that wrecked the ship carrying his goods on the sea and the raid of army robbers that attacked him at his house and looted all his riches and valuable goods.
          One day Uche came in with his boys and girls friends, asking his father to give him money because he wanted to go to an ostentatious show to night where big boys and girls would be attending. But his father did not give him, saying that he lost all his possession by armed robbers’ attack and that his goods on the ship were sunk by a storm in the sea. Unfortunately Uche did not accept all the excuses his father reasoned, suspecting that his father was not in the willing sipirit to give him the money. And instantly Uche brought out a small pistol from his front shirt’s pocket, squeezed the trigger and fired his father at the brow, leaving him with a perforated forehead dying in a cold blood. Then he went inside the room to check for himself least he would find where his father hid the money. Ironically in there, he found what his father told him was quite true, for there was nothing invaluable, only a heap of junk, bottles of drunken wine and cigarette butts! 

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